Mei 8, 2023 Oleh admin Off

Permainan Heroes of the Storm

Permainan Heroes of the Storm Unlike most other MOBAs, Heroes is extremely team-centric. As a result, the game is surprisingly accessible.

Its beefy 3D models, pirouetted through clicks and slammed with buttons, positively savage enemy minions and other heroes. Punctuated by booming bespoke sound effects and visual flourishes.

While truncating the genre’s item and skill barriers. Heroes preserves map control, timing and combat finesse. The resulting experience is really quite fun.

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Characters Permainan Heroes of the Storm

Heroes of the Storm is an incredibly accessible. MOBA that taps into the heart and soul of Blizzard’s established franchises to bring fast-paced and fun matches. The game features a vast roster of 37 heroes from the Warcraft, Diablo. StarCraft, and Overwatch universes that battle each other in an ever-evolving series of maps.

As expected from a Blizzard release, the game’s art style is impressive and the character models are highly detailed. Each hero is also a little bit different from the next. Which helps make each one feel unique and interesting to play.

The majority of the hero roster fits into clearly defined roles in team composition like tanky initiators, fragile damage dealers, and supports. The game does have a few characters that break this mold, however. Abathur, the Zerg mutation master, can attach a symbiote to allied units or spawn a monstrous army of his own. The Lost Vikings can be controlled with a fair amount of independent micro-management. While Murky the baby murloc can lay an egg anywhere on the map to respawn instantly rather than waiting for a long respawn time in base.

Cara Bermain Permainan Heroes of the Storm

Many of these heroes have mobility skills that pulse a team-fight with energy. As warriors draw opponents into an ally’s AOE attack or shuffle them into an assassin’s clutches. Others, like Nova or Zagara, have flashy ‘heroic’ abilities that add a lot to the spectacle of a heated match.

Unlike some competitors, Heroes of the Storm doesn’t feature items and instead relies on hero abilities to create a variety of playstyles. Adding a new skill costs gold, which is earned through playing quick matches and leveling up free heroes. Many of these talents are gated behind a hero mastery system that requires a certain number of games played to unlock. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it does reduce the potential for hero customization in. Quick Match and encourages players to grind versus the less capable AI to level up.

The Nexus is a strange limbo that’s made up of clashing worlds from across space, time, and dimensions. These realms, known as “realms,”. are pulled together by incomprehensible amounts of energy that can rip entire universes apart or pull them into stability.

Maps Permainan Heroes of the Storm

Blizzard Entertainment’s Heroes of the Storm pits characters from its iconic universe against each other in fast-paced, objective oriented maps. Unlike other MOBAs, HoTS forgoes items and traditional ability progression in favor of passive augmentations that players can choose from at set level intervals. This reduces the need to constantly tweak and balance a hero’s loadout. Though it means that certain heroes are better suited to specific maps or to certain styles of play.

Each map is highly thematic and has a unique main objective that teams will compete over. These can range from a simple task like collecting coins to bribe a ghost pirate ship. Into bombarding the enemy base to more complex challenges like controlling a team-powered plant-monster in. The Garden of Terror or accumulating skulls that empower a massive grave golem in Haunted Mines.

The game’s design also tries to encourage players to work together rather than simply battle solo. A key element is the lane system, which splits the map into a few small ‘lanes’ that minions. March across and defensive structures for each team defend. This forces the two teams to cooperate by defending their lane. Sharing XP for kills and objectives. and working together to push enemy towers down or capture their base.

Mengetahui Lawan

Permainan Heroes of the Storm Another way that HoTS tries to encourage cooperation is by limiting how many turns a match. can last with matches usually concluding within 20 minutes. This radically shortens the learning curve for a genre that can be intimidating to newcomers. And also enables even less experienced teams to have a good chance of success.

It’s worth noting that despite these simplifications and accessibility efforts. Heroes of the Storm still has its fair share of barriers to entry. Its hero roster is smaller than that of League of Legends or Dota 2, for example, and the game’s lack of items. skill builds and a more complicated item system can feel restrictive for older players used to other MOBAs. However, these barriers can be overcome with a little perseverance and by dedicating time to the game regularly.


Permainan Heroes of the Storm Players level up their Heroes in the course of a match by blasting fortifications. Attacking AI bots and completing side-quests and map objectives. The last element is particularly significant; every map – or Battleground. As the game calls them – has a timed objective that can turn the tide of battle in the first team’s favour.

Like other MOBAs, Heroes of the Storm pits two teams of five human-controlled Heroes against each other in player versus player combat. Players queue for matches without knowing what maps they’ll be playing on or what other. Heroes they’ll be matched with, and the game takes into account the hero roles chosen by each player to balance the teams.

The result is a fast-paced, accessible game that’s unlikely to overwhelm newcomers. The hero roster – which draws heavily on Blizzard’s Warcraft. Diablo and StarCraft universes – instantly makes the game feel familiar to anyone who’s played any of these franchises before. And the ability to choose your favourite hero at the start of the match helps you get a feel for each character quickly.

Item Terkuat

While mechanical simplification has made the game faster and simpler, it’s also removed some of the depth that you’d expect from a genre as steeped in RTS tradition as Heroes of the Storm. The game has seven maps in the current rotation, and while they’re not carbon copies of each other. They do all offer a different gameplay experience.

Each map has a unique objective that radically alters the balance of power in the map’s central area, pulling players together at certain intervals during the match. These range from capturing shrines to help your team unlock a dragon knight that can tear through turrets. To collecting coins for a cod-Irish dwarf pirate who’ll bombard enemies with his mighty cannons.

The game also has a series of ‘flashpoints’, short, multi-choice scenarios that force you to make tactical choices in the heat of the moment. These are often linked to the hero’s ‘talents,’ which are the equivalent of skill points that give your Hero flashes of strength that can amplify damage. Shift the battlefield in some way or put out mega-heals. The hero-levelling structure is an elegant way of introducing these different. Challenges and allowing players to keep the game fresh by changing up their strategies.


Like many MOBAs, Heroes of the Storm is a team-based game. Players share experience, ensuring that each member of a full five-player team remains at the same level throughout a match. An individual’s power to influence the outcome of a game is limited. This also serves to reduce the amount of toxicity that the genre is notorious for; while there’s still some. The absence of cross-team chat and a focus on teamwork means that you will rarely find yourself. Playing against players who seem to be taking it personally if you die early in a match.

As a result, the game is accessible to newcomers and yet still retains depth that rewards dedicated play and mastery of the different character’s abilities across a variety of battlegrounds. Each hero begins with a trio of basic attacks alongside a passive power. But as they level up in-game they unlock additional talents. LiLi, for example, can unlock a jug ability that increases the damage of her attack and a serpent ability that grants her an extra hit point.

Fitur Permainan

The game’s maps are varied and well-designed, too. Each one offers a different challenge, whether it’s collecting a resource to power a giant boss monster. That fights on your behalf or gathering items to disable an enemy turret for a short period of time. The inclusion of a range of different modes and the fact that matches tend to end fairly quickly. (though there are outliers, as evenly matched teams may struggle to reach the final victory condition) mean that you’ll never be bored of the action.

Blizzard’s attention to detail in bringing their universe to life is a key strength of the game; the avatars occupy far more screen space than those of League and Dota 2. giving them a more imposing presence on smaller maps, and the abilities feel muted. The animations are brief, and particle effects simple; despite this, the visuals are still striking, and it’s easy to get lost in the moment as your character carries their armies through the map to take on a horde of enemy heroes.